Light shone around for the world to see,

The first of created things by the Supreme.

A light to enlighten at all times all men,

And darkness absconds, yet embraced by evil men.

Man the last of created things yet greater,

Acquiring the image and likeness of his Maker.

As clay was he molded into perfection,

And by His breathe became an ideal creation.

A perfect creature born into time;

Given the very best without paying a dime;

Selfishness driving him into hiding,

His nakedness exposing, God’s friendship non-deserving.

For as clay was he molded to be a treasure,

One whose companionship was without measure.

Yet in his weakness, he pierced the heart of trust,

Of Him who did everything to him entrust.

In regret, out of bliss was he ejected,

Into suffering and hardship warmly admitted.

To the deceiver, belly to the ground committed,

And at birth, pains the mother of all subjected.

Even at this time, refurbishing of the clay began,

By He who was God made man.

Transforming the frailty of human flesh,

Towards and always, man’s salvific flesh.

One of infinite essence, yet existing in time,

Appearing as man and weak in time;

But in reality was the Son of God,

The Redeemer of man, yet never was less God.

His death brought about the clay’s rebirth,

His rising from the dead, an eternal birth.

The clay’s treasure-value was reassured,

At His ascension, the clay’s value became treasured.

Not the treasure of the clay a must to show,

An offering to Him whose love on him did bestow.

Treasure in clay by God Himself confirmed,

And man, always and everywhere must uphold.

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